How to Calculate TAM SAM SOM? A Guide for Startups

How to Calculate TAM SAM SOM? A Guide for Startups

TAM SAM SOM15 July 2024

Understanding your market size is crucial for any startup. Knowing your TAM, SAM, and SOM helps in business marketing, creating an effective marketing strategy, and performing a thorough market analysis. These metrics guide you in making informed decisions, ensuring you target the right audience and allocate resources efficiently. In this blog, you will learn how to calculate TAM SAM SOM.

TAM SAM SOM definition

In the reality of market analysis, three critical metrics often come into play: Total Addressable Market (TAM), Serviceable Available Market (SAM), and Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM). These metrics are essential for businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to understand their market potential and strategically plan their growth. Understanding TAM SAM and SOM is crucial for target market segmentation. Knowing the TAM SAM SOM meaning helps businesses effectively measure their market size and identify their market potential. Let's break down them for a clearer picture.


Total Addressable Market (TAM)

TAM represents the total revenue opportunity available if a product or service achieved 100% market share. It is a broad measure, encompassing the entire market demand for a product or service without considering any competition or limitations. For example, if a company produces electric cars, TAM would include all potential revenue from selling electric cars globally. TAM is crucial as it provides an upper limit on the market potential and helps investors and businesses understand the scale of the opportunity.

Service Available Market (SAM)

SAM narrows down the TAM to the portion of the market that the business can realistically serve with its products or services. This metric considers factors like geographical reach, regulatory environment, and the company's current capabilities. Continuing with the electric car example, if the company only has the capacity to distribute and service cars in North America, then the SAM would be the total market potential within that region. SAM helps businesses focus on realistic market opportunities and allocate resources more effectively.

Service Obtainable Market (SOM)

SOM is the subset of the SAM that the business can realistically capture within a specific period, considering competition and other market dynamics. It is the most conservative estimate, reflecting the company's market share goals and limitations in resources. For the electric car company, SOM would consider factors such as market penetration strategies, the presence of established competitors, and the company’s marketing and sales capabilities. This metric is crucial for setting achievable targets and creating a focused growth strategy.

Why is TAM SAM SOM important?

Understanding TAM, SAM, and SOM is crucial for startups as these metrics guide marketing management and help develop a strong go to market strategy.

For SMEs, understanding TAM, SAM, and SOM is vital for several reasons:

  • Strategic Planning: These metrics help businesses set realistic goals and develop effective market entry and growth strategies.

  • Resource Allocation: By understanding the market potential and focusing on serviceable markets, SMEs can allocate their resources more efficiently and avoid overextending.

  • Investor Confidence: Clear market analysis using these metrics can boost investor confidence by demonstrating thorough market understanding and realistic growth projections.

  • Competitive Analysis: SOM, in particular, helps businesses understand their competitive landscape and position themselves effectively to capture market share.

In summary, these metrics ensure focus on profitable segments, giving your business a competitive edge and supporting sustainable growth.

How to calculate TAM SAM SOM

Understanding how to calculate TAM SAM SOM is essential for any startup. These metrics help you gauge the market potential and focus on target market segments effectively. Using a market size calculator can simplify this process, but knowing the steps is crucial.

Steps for calculating TAM SAM SOM

Calculate Total Addressable Market (TAM)

1.Define the Market Scope: Clearly define the product or service you are offering and the problem it solves.

2.Identify the Target Market: Determine the broadest market that could potentially use your product or service. This could be geographic, demographic, or industry-specific.

3.Estimate Market Size:

  • Top-Down Approach: Use industry reports, market research studies, or financial reports of large companies to estimate the total market size.

  • Bottom-Up Approach: Calculate the total market demand by multiplying the average revenue per user (ARPU) by the total number of potential users.

4.Calculate Revenue Potential: Multiply the number of potential users by the average revenue per user.

Example: If you sell a software product and the industry report indicates there are 10 million potential users globally, and each user could generate $100 per year, TAM = 10,000,000 users * $100 = $1 billion.

Calculate Serviceable Available Market (SAM)

1.Define Your Market Segments: Identify the segments within your TAM that you can realistically target. Consider geographic, regulatory, and economic factors.

2.Assess Your Serviceable Market: Determine the number of potential customers within your reach given your business model, delivery capabilities, and operational constraints.

3.Adjust for Realistic Scenarios: Refine your estimates based on practical considerations such as distribution channels, regulatory requirements, and competitive landscape.

Example: If your software product can currently only be marketed and sold in North America, and there are 3 million potential users in that region, and each user could generate $100 per year, SAM = 3,000,000 users * $100 = $300 million.

Calculate Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM)

1.Analyze Market Competition: Research your competitors to understand the current market share distribution and identify gaps you can exploit.

2.Determine Market Penetration: Estimate the percentage of SAM that you can capture in the initial years based on your marketing and sales capabilities.

3.Project Realistic Growth: Set achievable market share targets for the first few years, considering your company’s resources, strategic plan, and market conditions.

Example: If you aim to capture 5% of the SAM in the first year, 10% in the second year, and 15% in the third year, SOM for the first three years would be:

Year 1: 5% of $300 million = $15 million

Year 2: 10% of $300 million = $30 million

Year 3: 15% of $300 million = $45 million

Understanding these steps helps in making informed decisions and crafting effective strategies. Use these metrics to guide your business growth and achieve success.

How to use TAM SAM SOM to help grow your business

Understanding how to use TAM SAM SOM can significantly help grow your business. These metrics guide your strategy and focus your efforts effectively.

  • First, use your Total Addressable Market (TAM) to understand the full revenue potential. This helps you see the big picture and aim high.

  • Next, focus on your Service Available Market (SAM). This identifies the target market segments that are within your reach. Tailor your marketing efforts to these specific groups.

  • Finally, use your Service Obtainable Market (SOM) to set realistic sales targets. This considers competition and market conditions. Plan your resources and strategies based on these achievable goals.

  • Regularly review and update these metrics. Markets change, and your strategies should adapt. Use these insights to refine your go-to-market strategy and improve your marketing management.

In summary, TAM SAM SOM helps you understand your market, target the right segments, and set realistic goals. This focused approach drives growth and success.

TAM SAM and SOM as a Part of the Business Planning Process

Integrating TAM SAM and SOM into your business planning is essential for success. These metrics help you understand your market potential and guide strategic decisions. Incorporate these metrics into your business planning to make informed decisions. They help you prioritize efforts, allocate resources wisely, and set realistic goals. Regularly update your TAM SAM and SOM to reflect market changes and adjust your strategies accordingly. By using TAM SAM and SOM, you can better understand your market, target the right segments, and drive business growth. PrometAI supports this approach, ensuring your business planning leads to better outcomes.

Final Note

Understanding and calculating TAM, SAM, and SOM is essential for any startup aiming for success. These metrics provide valuable insights into market potential, help in strategic planning, and guide resource allocation. By incorporating TAM, SAM, and SOM into your business planning, you can set realistic goals, attract investors, and drive sustainable growth.

PrometAI makes this process easier by providing accurate market size calculations and helping you refine your strategies. Stay informed, adapt to market changes, and use these metrics to your advantage. Your journey to business success starts with understanding your market. Use TAM, SAM, and SOM to navigate this journey effectively and achieve your growth objectives.


What Does TAM SAM SOM Stand For

TAM stands for Total Addressable Market. SAM stands for Serviceable Available Market. SOM stands for Serviceable Obtainable Market.


To do TAM SAM SOM, start with TAM to understand the total market demand. Then narrow it to SAM based on your service capabilities. Finally, refine it to SOM considering competition and realistic market share.

Why is SOM Smaller Than SAM?

SOM is smaller than SAM because it represents the realistic portion of the market your business can capture, considering competition and market dynamics. SAM includes all potential customers you can serve.

What Percentage of SAM Should SOM Be?

The percentage of SAM that SOM represents can vary, but it typically ranges between 1% to 10%, depending on market conditions and competition.

How is TAM Calculated?

TAM is calculated by estimating the total market demand for a product or service if you achieved 100% market share. Industry reports and market research data often help with this estimate.

What is SOM in Retail?

In retail, SOM refers to the portion of the Serviceable Available Market that a retailer can realistically capture, considering competition, location, and market conditions.

How Do You Identify TAM SAM and SOM?

Identify TAM by estimating the total market demand. Define SAM by narrowing TAM to the markets you can serve. Determine SOM by assessing the realistic market share you can capture.

What is the Difference Between TAM and SOM?

TAM is the total market demand for your product or service if you achieved 100% market share. SOM is the realistic portion of the market you can capture, considering competition and market conditions.

Why Do TAM, SAM, and SOM Matter to a Startup?

These metrics matter because they guide strategic planning, help allocate resources efficiently, boost investor confidence, and improve competitive positioning by focusing on achievable market segments.