AI Business Plan Generator

A Complete Guide to Generate Business Plan With PrometAI

AI Business plan Generator

Step 1: Register and Create an Account

To Create Business plan with PrometAI go to the upper right corner of the screen and click on the "Log in" button. This will bring you to the registration page. Create an account to access the platform.

generate business plan with AI

Step 2: Start Your Business Plan

To start crafting your Business Plan, click "Create New" on your personal dashboard.

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Step 3: Enter Essential Company Details

A pop-up window will appear, prompting you to enter essential company details, including Company Name, Country, Language, High-Level Company Description, and Anticipated Project Size.

These details are required to generate your business plan. You can also customize optional settings such as Currency, Numbering Conventions, and Design Preferences, including Font and Color Palettes.

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Step 4: Generate Your Business Plan Draft

After that, PrometAI will generate a complete business plan draft, providing a structured foundation that you can refine and tailor to better align with your business idea. This intelligent co-pilot not only streamlines the process but also guides you through each section, helping you shape and finalize a plan that truly fits your vision.

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Step 5: Edit and Refine Your Draft

Once the draft presentation is ready, you can either edit and refine it directly or navigate to the structured input section for a more guided approach to making adjustments.

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Step 6: Edit and Refine Your Draft

In the Input section, you'll find 11 structured sections that make up your business plan. The first section, General Information, includes the details you initially provided in the pop-up window.

The remaining 10 sections are automatically generated by PrometAI, providing a solid foundation that you can refine.

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Step 7: PrometAI-Generated Sections

Each section consists of subsections that you can edit in three ways:

  1. Manually inputting information to refine details.

  2. Regenerating the content for a fresh AI-generated version.

  3. Regenerating with specific instructions to tailor the content to your needs.

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Step 8: Ways to Edit Each Section

In certain subsections, for added convenience, you can select options from drop-down lists, making it easier to refine and customize your business plan.

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Step 9: Access Quick Information on Subsections

If you're unsure about a subsection and need additional information, hover your mouse over the (i) icon located in each subsection. This will provide a brief explanation to help you understand its purpose and content.

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Step 10: Find More Details in the Blueprint Section

Additionally, if you need a more detailed explanation of any subsection, you can navigate to Learn → Blueprint. There, you'll find various topics in the menu, such as Marketing, Risks, and Financials, with detailed information and examples to guide you.

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Step 11: Save Changes and Access Your Presentation

Once you’ve finished refining and editing the sections, click "Save" to store your changes. Then, click "Go to Slider" to transition from the Input section to your presentation view.

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Step 12: Edit Directly in Your Presentation

Similar to the Input section, you can make all necessary edits directly in your presentation. This allows you to see changes immediately. You can either manually input edits or regenerate content using PrometAI to refine and enhance your business plan.

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Step 13: Hide Unnecessary Slides

If you need to hide certain sections or slides from the presentation, simply click the "Eye" button on the left. This allows you to control which content appears in the final presentation.

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Step 14: Access an Executive Summary Version

You can also access the summary version of your presentation, allowing you to communicate a concise executive summary of your business to busy investors before pitching the full version.

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Step 15: Generate NDA and Term Sheet

Additionally, you can access a tailored NDA and Term Sheet customized to your business plan and information, making it easy to formalize agreements when you're ready to sign with an investor.

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Step 16: Download or Share Your Business Plan

Once you have finalized your business plan, you can download it as a PDF or share it via a link. If you prefer to present directly from your PrometAI account, you can switch to Presentation Mode or Full-Screen Mode for a more polished and professional display.