Evaluation of AI Business Plan Generators

Evaluation of AI Business Plan Generators

AI Business Plan Generators06 June 2024

AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) technologies advance at a remarkable pace. It feels like AI innovations are everywhere, and the technology is eclipsing all industries. Among the numerous AI applications transforming our professional lives, AI business plan generators stand out as game-changers for entrepreneurs and startups. In an online world full of new services and tools, discerning the valuable from the voluminous is becoming increasingly crucial.

This blog delves into the world of AI business plan creators, offering a clear-eyed review and evaluation of the tools at your disposal. Our aim is not just to navigate the crowded space of AI applications but to spotlight those truly valuable services that can propel your business ideas from conception to reality.

Why does this matter?

As AI continues to advance, its footprint in the real world grows larger, touching upon various aspects of our daily lives and work. The digital realm is packed with AI-backed services, which is quite typical in this phase of any new technology. It's in these noisy phases that comprehensive and unbiased reviews are important more than ever. Objective research and thorough assessments of new and existing AI-driven tools are not just beneficial for users browsing through a sea of options; they're also vital for the developers behind genuinely innovative tools seeking the recognition their hard work deserves.

Unfortunately, the current landscape of AI product blogs seems to be more about driving website traffic than offering genuine, impartial insights. That's where this article intends to make a difference. We're committed to providing a real evaluation of the AI-driven business planning tools available in the market, helping you cut through the noise to find the solutions that truly matter.

Qualifying Benchmarks

Before we dive into our rankings and reviews, let's establish clear criteria for what constitutes an AI-driven business plan generator. To make a cut, a tool must be powered by AI. It must embody elements like AI assistance or an AI copilot that enhances content generation and provides guided support throughout the business planning process. Additionally, a legitimate business plan tool must cover essential components such as Product, Problem-Solution, Market Analysis, and Financials. Many platforms claiming to be Business Planners are, in fact, just task planning, product design, or budgeting apps. However, without the core business plan sections, they fall short of being comprehensive solutions.

By setting these standards, we aim to standardize our evaluations, ensuring our assessments are objective and only highlight applications that truly meet the mark of an AI-driven business plan generator. Join us as we explore the cutting-edge tools that promise to streamline the business planning process, making it more efficient and accessible than ever before.

Key Areas of Focus

With our benchmark criteria firmly in place for evaluating AI-driven business plan generators, we turn our attention to specific aspects that will form the core of our assessment. These include the User Experience, which highlights the ease and intuitiveness of navigating the tool and crafting a business plan; the Quality and Comprehensiveness of the Content, examining both the depth and breadth of what is covered in the business plans generated; the tool's Functionality and Features, which assess the range of capabilities and the innovative elements that set each tool apart; and finally, the Plans and Pricing, offering insights into the value proposition of each tool, including what is available for free versus premium offerings. By meticulously analyzing these key areas, we aim to provide a well-rounded evaluation that not only showcases the strengths and potential shortcomings of each AI-driven business plan generator but also helps users make informed decisions based on their specific needs and budgetary considerations.

Top 4 AI Business Plan Creators

Having established our evaluation criteria, let's delve into the leading AI business plan tools currently available in the market.

1. PrometAI.app

Input Section:

PrometAI.app takes user-friendliness seriously, auto-generating most fields and requiring only basic company information to provide users with a solid first draft. This not only saves time but also showcases a more advanced use of AI, making it easier for users to understand what is expected in each section. Combined with a top-tier user interface, PrometAI.app raises the bar for navigation and comprehension.


The app is comprehensive, ticking all the boxes for required sections and offering a rich array of content. With consistent Market Overviews and solid Business Valuations that include narratives, it provides entrepreneurs and investors with reliable insights into market potential and dynamics. Incorporating a business valuation in a business plan is pivotal as it provides a credible estimate of the company’s worth, which is crucial for several reasons. It serves as a vital touchstone for investors, indicating the potential return on their investment and helping to establish the groundwork for funding negotiations. For the business owner, a valuation can inform strategic decisions, such as equity distribution, and aid in future financial planning. The presentation is elevated with an abundance of visuals, which make the business plan not just informative but engaging to read. Additionally, a succinct executive summary is available, capturing the essence of the plan for quick reviews.


Functionality-wise, PrometAI.app stands out by allowing users to regenerate text within sections. It supports detailed bottom-up financial modeling and offers the flexibility of downloading plans in both Word and PDF formats. Additionally, PrometAI.app provides a comprehensive tutorial that explains step-by-step how to write a business plan, ensuring users can maximize the platform's capabilities with ease.


The platform introduces a 'free forever' plan which includes watermarked sections, enabling users to fully view and assess their business plan before committing financially. For those seeking an unbranded experience, there are five pricing tiers available, with the most comprehensive plan offered at $98, positioning it as the best value proposition.

2. VentureKit.ai

Input Section:

VentureKit.ai streamlines the business planning process by auto-generating most fields, requiring only the company's basic information to provide a draft for further refinement. This application of AI effectively saves time and, combined with an intuitive user interface, simplifies navigation and comprehension.


This platform covers all the critical sections with substantial depth, but the omission of a Valuation section and the variability in Market Size and Trends with each regeneration could undermine the solid foundation needed for assessing market potential. Despite containing ample textual content complemented by moderate visuals, the absence of an executive summary version may be a significant oversight for those seeking brevity.


VentureKit.ai offers robust functionality, including the unique feature of regenerating individual sections. Its text editing toolkit and support for bottom-up financial modeling are notable positives. Users have the convenience of downloading their plans in Word and PDF.


Access to most sections requires a subscription, with three business plans available at $19 per month.

3. Ventureplanner.ai

Input Section:

Ventureplanner.ai boasts an interactive and AI-assisted input section designed to streamline user experience with proactive answer suggestions. However, the platform requires extensive information from users, particularly in the financial and revenue growth areas. This could pose a difficulty for those without a financial background, as these fields are not AI-supported, necessitating manual input.


The content provided by Ventureplanner.ai is comprehensive, covering all necessary sections, but it misses the mark on the Market Overview and Valuation—key areas for understanding market size, trends, and the overall potential that are vital for entrepreneurs and investors. The platform's presentation leans towards being text-heavy and includes only moderate visual elements, which may not appeal to investors who prefer succinct information. Additionally, the absence of a summarized executive version could be a missed opportunity for quick reviews and pitches.


Ventureplanner.ai comes equipped with robust functionality, offering users the flexibility to resize, move, and copy sections easily. The text toolkit—complete with options for font size, bullet points, and more—adds to its versatility, along with capabilities for bottom-up financial modeling. The platform allows for downloads in both Word and PDF formats, enhancing its utility.


Access to most of the platform's features is gated, with a single pricing plan set at $28.

4. 15minuteplan.ai

Input Section:

While 15minuteplan.ai offers an interactive and AI-assisted input section, enhancing user experience with predictive answer options, it demands considerable user input. Particularly, the Revenue and Revenue Growth fields require manual entry and lack AI assistance, presenting a challenge for users with limited financial expertise.


The platform notably lacks sections on Problem-Solution, Market Overview, and Valuation—critical components for entrepreneurs and investors to gauge market potential and dynamics. Furthermore, the absence of a Valuation feature is a significant oversight for those engaged in equity fundraising. The content is text-dense without visual breaks, which could deter investors who prefer concise information. Unfortunately, there's no option for a brief executive summary, which is a crucial element for quick overviews.


15minuteplan.ai comes with a modest set of features. It allows for some customization in each section based on user prompts but offers limited functionality overall. Access to advanced features, such as saving the business plan as a Word document, is restricted to paid users.


The service adopts a paywall approach, with essential sections of the business plan locked behind a payment gateway. There are 3 plans offered for $100.

Summing Up

To wrap up, each platform has carved out its niche, offering varied approaches to AI-driven business planning to suit different user preferences and needs. Together, they represent the spectrum of innovation that AI technology brings to the entrepreneurial world.

Among the plethora of AI business plan generators, PrometAI.app distinguishes itself as the front-runner, particularly due to its superior user experience and interface. Its emphasis on intuitive design and engaging visuals not only simplifies but also enlivens the business planning process. Furthermore, the inclusion of a robust valuation section equips entrepreneurs with crucial insights for informed decision-making and investor negotiations. These features set PrometAI.app apart, making it a top choice for users seeking a comprehensive and user-friendly business planning tool.